We have many years of real-world experience in designing and implementing real enterprise services that are delivered with SAP products. We will make recommendations for modeling and implementation of enterprise services for SAP Business Suite.

The actual goal is to further develop the SAP Business Suite into a Business Process Platform that can serve as the basis for the new digital business framework.

Enterprises are enabled to develop and use applications that are composed individually and based on the business process platform in a simple way. These composite applications are used to support innovative or very specific processes, particularly those that require the integration of special, frequently new groups of end users and that improve the cooperation between the various users. The composite applications are easy to adapt or replace in a changing business environment.

Within these changes, companies must also invest in the future and seek what opportunities lie ahead in an era of digitization?

Find out how we can help you optimize investments, reduce complexity, accelerated by the Internet of Things (IoT) and machine-to-machine (M2M) learning. These disruptive technologies are giving companies the ability to radically change business models and create new products and services.

SAP Solutions

you need to get started with SOA or BPM ?

SOA & BPM Foundation >

Awareness and understanding” of SOA among companies, has grown in the last 2 years..

Awareness >

How to start building your SOA environments ?

SOA Governance >

a Future or Target architecture for enterprises, that provides a blueprint for building a roadmap..

Reference architecture >

Nowadays, companies need a holistic picture of what’s happening in real-time across their business.

Smart Data Streaming >

Process visibility is more than business activity monitoring (BAM). Process intelligence means collecting business events from all these sources

Process intelligence >

will provide businesses with the capability of understanding their internal business procedures.

Process modeling >

The enterprise service developer models, designs, and implements enterprise services.

Service developments >

Proxcellence Belgium

  • Business Center De Malt
  • B-3190 Boortmeerbeek
  • B-3190 Boortmeerbeek
  • +32 15 509 615 (Reception)
  • +32 474 800 291
  • belgium@proxcellence.com